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Top 5 Post-Apocalyptic Movies

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With the upcoming UK release of Mad Max: Fury Road on the 14th of May, we count down our top 5 movies that are based in a post-apocalyptic world after some cataclysmic event, we will not feature films like ‘The Terminator’ or ‘Twelve Monkeys’ that involve going back in time to prevent the apocalypse, but we do of course recommend these classics too.



‘Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior’ (1981)

theroadwarrior_146x216T5P-AM-Articlepic01Following the events of ‘Mad Max’ where an energy crisis has brought humanity to its knees and where gangs of vicious bikers roam the desolate Australian outback, we find our jaded anti-hero “Max” roving the deserts made even more dangerous by some unspecified apocalyptic event that has made humanity desperate and feral, with the promise of a very scarce supply of petrol Max agrees to help a group of settlers escape from a dangerous band of marauders.

Following the unprecedented international success of the cult classic ‘Mad Max’, which launched the career of its star Mel Gibson, director George Miller ups-the-ante and with the help of a larger budget provides us with an Archetypal Western for a new generation, cut from the same cloth as many Clint Eastwood revenge Westerns.

A mix of engrossing and innovative car chases, madcap action sequences with a simple plot and stunning cinematography, ‘The Road Warrior’ is the film that truly established the Post-Apocalyptic sub-genre and influenced almost all related fiction since, including video-games, literature and film.

Directed by George Miller and starring Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence & Vernon Wells among others.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller





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