The inevitable movie adaptation of the popular HBO TV series sees superstar actor Vince and his boys continuing to navigate the treacherous waters of Hollywood living, when he steps up to direct and star in his own movie, Vince will need the help of his ex long-suffering agent and now studio head Ari Gold as the sharks circle in this cameo-infested summer comedy.
If you have even a slight inkling of what you might get from an ‘Entourage’ movie you’ll know not to expect a profound and memorable movie experience, but you’d be forgiven for expecting an entertaining and funny one.
If you’re a fan of the show’s entire eight seasons then this film might be for you but then you’re probably easily amused, even so we suspect that even diehard fans will struggle with the tedium of the same one-dimensional characters delivering the same juvenile quips and sex jokes for nearly 2 hours while you tick off celebrity cameo after celebrity cameo, in a film that understandably looks like an expensive TV movie conjured by a bunch of teenage boys.
If you haven’t seen the show then there’s really very little here for you unless you’re obsessed with a ridiculous fame-obsessed celebrity culture, and don’t expect a clever satire about this vapid lifestyle but a film that revels in it and most criminally delivers no more than one or two genuinely funny moments about it.
The only saving grace in ‘Entourage’ is Jeremy Piven’s over-the-top performance as “Ari” who manages to simultaneously be both an egomaniac and the film’s most centered character while virtually everyone around him delivers sub-par performances.
The Bottom Line…
Eight seasons of the TV show has proven that the ‘Entourage’ concept is tired, played-out and does not translate to the big screen, surprisingly devoid of comedic & entertainment value, ‘Entourage’ is made watchable only by Jeremy Piven’s performance which probably means we can expect an “Ari Gold” film or TV show in the near future.
Hollywood “insider” comedy/drama starring Tim Robbins as a studio executive who receives death threats after rejecting an obsessive writer’s script, as he attempts to discover which writer has his sights on him the story becomes murky with blackmail and the dark nature of the film industry in this classic from legendary director Robert Altman..
Directed by Robert Altman and starring Tim Robbins, Greta Scacchi and Whoopi Goldberg among others.
#TriviaTuesday: A cost-cutting insect-like suit was the early design for the alien hunter in 1987's 'Predator'—unsuccessfully worn by the character's first actor Jean-Claude Van Damme—but it was ditched for a now iconic Stan Winston design at twice the price. Money well spent.
#TriviaTuesday: ‘Big Kahuna Burger’ is most certainly the fictional fast food of choice in the Tarantinoverse, appearing or referenced in 'Reservoir Dogs', 'From Dusk Till Dawn', 'Death Proof', 'Four Rooms', as well as its starring turn in 1994’s 'Pulp Fiction' of course.