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Ted 2 (2015) (English Language)

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Genre:    Comedy

Director: Seth MacFarlane

Cast:      Seth MacFarlane, Mark Wahlberg, Amanda Seyfried…and more

Writers:  Seth MacFarlane, Alec Sulkin & Wellesley Wild


In a sequel to the surprise comedy hit of 2012 about a sentient foul-mouthed teddy bear, with his new marriage on the rocks a baby seems like the perfect solution but Ted needs to legally prove he’s a person before he can adopt and the civil rights battle that ensues will threaten his very existence in this anarchic comedy from the mind & voice of ‘Family Guy’.

Ted2still1Let’s preface this review by saying that if you’re not a fan of Seth MacFarlane’s irreverent and sometimes puerile comedy then please stay away from this film, it’s unapologetic nature may be repetitive and offensive for those with a sensitive disposition and it’s just not for you.

In this somewhat rare instance we’re happy to defy the critical consensus and declare that ‘Ted 2′ is equal if not superior to the original and a couple of hours of outrageous fun, particularly if like us you’re prone to thinking in Film and pop-culture references.

Sure the novelty of a potty-mouthed, working-class talking Boston teddy bear is lost in a sequel… and yes the plot is a bit fanciful, plus the tone of the film fluctuates constantly with slower scenes that are brief attempts at emotional content.

But the bubble of pomposity and sentimentality is quickly burst by a combination of physical comedy, Movie references and outrageous sociocultural humour, plus a lot of swearing of course and if you’re uncomfortable with Ted’s plight being likened to America’s history of slavery and civil rights struggles, that’s the point!

MacFarlane’s voice and comic sensibilities are of course the star of the show but Mark Wahlberg holds his own and Amanda Seyfried slots into the dynamic seamlessly while seeming to revel in it.

The Bottom Line…

While no comedy classic and lacking in real depth, ‘Ted 2′ is an undeniably funny film and does a good job of capturing Seth MacFarlane’s brand of hilariously inappropriate and culturally perceptive comedy, prepare to be offended but don’t worry, it’s an offence that shouldn’t cut deep.




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Ted (2012)


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