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Interstellar (2014) (English Language)

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Genre:    Sci-fi, Adventure, Drama

Director: Christopher Nolan

Cast:      Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain, Anne Hathaway

Writers:  Christopher Nolan, Jonathan Nolan


Planet earth has become a dust-bowl with humanity struggling to grow enough food to survive and where farmers are valued above others, Cooper a former space-pilot engineer joins a group of scientists on humanity’s greatest voyage of discovery though a mysteriously appeared wormhole to another galaxy, to find a new home for mankind and save our species from extinction.

Perhaps the most anticipated film of the year, ‘Interstellar’ is Christopher Nolan’s first crack at the Space Sci-fi genre and boy does he make an impact.

Nolan continues to be a director clearly unbound by any limitation when it comes to story and scope, here he is dealing with the very concept of time in the universe and incorporating elements of theoretical physics that should give the audience a migraine, somehow he manages to effectively simplify the concepts that drive an incredibly ambitious story which stylishly combines with the stunning visuals and typically evocative score from Hans Zimmer.

It must be said that the if you are a movie fan this film might feel somewhat familiar, that may be because it “borrows” elements from virtually every Sci-fi drama of the last 4 decades, in particular Nolan seems to unabashedly pay homage to Stanley Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ by using many of the concepts and visuals that made that film so memorable.

Despite the seemingly dense storyline this is ultimately as much a story about love and family as it is an epic voyage of discovery, when you add elements of a tense thriller to spectacular sounds & visuals and an accomplished cast, the result is an unmissable Sci-fi epic that lives up to the hype.





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