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A Most Violent Year (2015) (English Language)

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Genre:    Crime, Drama

Director:  J.C. Chandor

Cast:       Oscar Isaac, Jessica Chastain, David Oyelowo…and more

Writer:    J.C. Chandor


Set in the most statistically dangerous year in New York City history in 1981, Oscar Isaac stars as an immigrant who having achieved his piece of the “American Dream” now struggles to protect it and his family from rivals and government authorities in this stylish and moody crime drama.

A Most Violent Year is a crime drama for certain but a “Gangster film” it is not, not in the traditional sense anyway, there are only passing hints to the questionable activities involved in the success of the main characters in what is a subtle but tense character piece from writer/director J.C Chandor.

The film title could not be more misleading as it is almost incidental to the storyline apart from establishing the backdrop and mood of the city in which the events take place, effectively A Most Violent Year is a measured but gripping atmospheric drama about the dark and gritty side of the “American Dream” and what it takes to achieve and retain it.

Oscar Isaac continues his run of impressive performances as a driven immigrant business boss with a strong moral compass reluctant to be pushed into “gangsterism”, while Jessica Chastain shines as the wife and ethical counterpoint of the operation who is more ruthless and willing to play a dirtier and riskier game.

Don’t go into this film expecting a fast paced and incident packed “gangster” spectacular ala Goodfellas and you will not be disappointed, if you can appreciate a simple but stylish character-driven drama that blurs the line between organized crime and straight-up everyday corrupt business then A Most Violent Year is well worth your time.




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