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Get Hard (2015) (English Language)

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Genre:    Comedy, Action

Director: Etan Cohen

Cast:      Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart, Craig T. Nelson …and more

Writers:  Jay Martel , Ian Roberts , Adam McKay …and more


Will Ferrell stars as pampered millionaire James King convicted of hard jail time for fraud who through prejudice hires a young black man Darnell (Kevin Hart) to help him survive the prison time he will start in a month, but Darnell is no authority on the subject and so hilarity ensues as they try to “Get Hard” in this irreverent clash-of-cultures comedy.

American stand-up comedian Kevin Hart stars in his second outrageous comedy in a month as the “straight-man” in an unlikely duo with Will Ferrell, by now you should know to expect a bounty of off-colour surreal comedy from a Ferrell comedy vehicle and ‘Get Hard’ is no exception .

Despite a very thin attempt at satire and cultural commentary on the division of wealth in modern America, ‘Get Hard’ is not much more than a potpourri of exhausted stereotypes and clash-of-cultures comedy that even Will Ferrell can’t keep funny for the best part of 2 hours.

Aside from a couple of legit belly-laughs here and there the comedy is surprisingly conspicuous in its absence as the wafer-thin storyline plods along to an ultimately disappointing and predictable conclusion, much of the humour might even be “offensive” to some but the real issue is that it’s just not that funny beyond its cringeworthy appeal.

A moderately funny way to spend a couple of hours but certainly not one of Ferrell’s finest in what continues to be a hit-and-miss run of form, we remain hopeful for ‘Zoolander 2’ due in early 2016, for now ‘Get Hard’ is your best and only option for an “adult” comedy out in cinemas.




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