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Top 5 Superhero Films

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With the upcoming UK release on the 23rd of the hugely anticipated ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’, the sequel to Marvel’s massive 2012 hit ‘The Avengers’, we break down our selection for the 5 greatest films in a genre which began as a refuge for kids and “nerds” and now produces many of the highest grossing & most popular Movies of all time.



‘X-Men’ (2000)

X-men_146x216Top5ShF-Articlepic01Director Bryan Singer’s (The Usual Suspects, Superman Returns) big screen adaptation of the hugely popular Marvel comic-book features the talents of Patrick Stewart as “Professor X”, whose school of talented mutants must band together and form a powerful team to stop his old friend and dangerous revolutionary “Magneto” (Ian McKellen) from starting a war between Mutants and Humans.

Aside from launching Hugh Jackman’s career and helping to make Sir Ian McKellen a household name for several generations, ‘X-Men was largely responsible for launching the modern era of “Comic-book” and “Superhero” films that exploded in the early 2000s and forced Hollywood to sit up and take notice of the genre’s potential.

Featuring an uncharacteristic socially conscious heart and dealing with themes of fear and discrimination, this is more than a selection of great action sequences and visual effects that still hold up today, when you add a memorable group of characters and a clear storyline you have a film that stands out over most examples of the genre over the last 15 years.

Directed by Bryan Singer and starring Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen among others.





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