Iconic film adaptation of the most iconic superhero and comic-book, the later Christopher Reeve stars as the “Man of Steel” in a screen epic spanning Superman’s birth and journey to Earth all the way through to the “Clark Kent” persona and his introduction to Metropolis and the World, culminating in his battle with evil genius “Lex Luthor” to protect humanity and fulfill his dead father’s prophecy.
Not surprisingly for a 37 year-old film the visual effects and action scenes look dated and the blue spandex “just don’t work no more”, but the heart of the film remains intact and this saga that features no less than the legendary Marlon Brando as the ultimate “superdad” Jor-El still works, thanks to Reeve’s charm and integrity as both Clark Kent and Kal-El himself.
Featuring ground-breaking cinematography and a masterful John Williams score with perhaps the greatest musical movie theme of all time, ‘Superman’ is the first major Superhero motion picture and the film that has influenced every movie in the genre.
Directed by Richard Donner and starring Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder and Gene Hackman among others.