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Top 5 Space Sci-fi Movies

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‘Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope’ (1977)

Image Source: 20th Century Fox

starwars1_146x215starwarsstill1The champion space-opera and mythical adventure about a gifted but isolated young man who joins a mysterious companion on a space quest after learning of his hidden origins, together with an unlikely ragtag group of companions he must fight the dark forces of the Galactic Empire with powers he never knew existed.

What more can we say about one of the biggest and most culturally significant films of all time, the adventure that expanded the universe and championed the concept of a dirty lived-in outer space, the venture that built a multi-billion dollar multimedia empire and revolutionized the motion picture business, and the movie that influenced generation of films and filmmakers.

Star Wars’ offered more spirit and sense of adventure than Sci-fi had ever seen, and with the help of timeless characters it imprinted an entire mythology onto the popular consciousness. Who knows how cinema will evolve in time, but Geore Lucas’ original masterpiece will probably still be relevant a century from now.

Directed by George Lucas and starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher among others.

Genre: Sci-fi, Action, Adventure, Fantasy





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