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Top 5 Space Sci-fi Movies

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‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (1968)

Image Source: Warner

2001_146x2162001aspaceodysseystill1Quintessential Space Sci-fi following humanity’s greatest journey across space & time as we try to discover the origins of a strange monolith that appears at points throughout human evolution, the journey will be fraught with peril but mankind stands to discover more than it imagined.

A faithful adaptation of Arthur C. Clarke’s novel which was written concurrently with the film and collaboratively with director Stanley Kubrick, ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ is the film that defines the entire genre and a masterpiece of craftsmanship, tone and ambition from one of the greatest and most influential directors ever.

Much has been written about this film over the decades but its impact on popular culture and countless filmmakers over the years cannot be overstated, ‘2001′ is as bold as it is mesmerizing, creatively tackling a narrative about the very nature of our existence but leaving enough space and ambiguity for the audience to draw their own meaning, it stands the test of time 47 years after its release and no doubt we’ll be talking about it in 47 more.

Directed by Stanley Kubrick and starring Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood and William Sylvester among others.

Genre: Sci-fi, Adventure, Drama, Mystery





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